The Independent Options Children and Family Centre is looking for new volunteers to help with the running of groups offering ‘inclusive’ activities for children up to the age of 10 years. These are great fun and run throughout the week all year and are no more than 2 hours long.  We actively encourage extended family members to come along and we offer activities for siblings of children who have special needs. Centre Manager Nicky Jones said: “All of the children come along with a grown-up who stays with them. Our aim is for the parents and carers to have time to relax, have a cup of tea or coffee and a chat with other adults while we offer some fun play time with the children.  We have eight brilliant volunteers at the moment and we really rely on them to help us keep things going”.Nicky hopes to build up the volunteer ‘workforce’ so that the Centre can do even more to support families and children who are affected by disability. Volunteers could help with:- Pre – school toddler groups- Opportunity groups- After school club- Weekend art and craft activities- Movie Mornings- School holidays club Nicky said: “There are lots of different roles that people can take on from being a general helper in the sessions to helping with activities such as music or arts and crafts.  Our volunteers all tell us they have a great time working with us, so that’s got to be a great recommendation!”For further information about volunteering in the Children and Family Centre please go to the Work for Us pages and if you are interested please contact Nicky Jones by phone on 0161 456 6502 or by email at